Having pursued legal studies, Roshan Palat worked in the field of finance post completion of his degree. Introduced to the Puranas and the Upanisads at an early age due to the nature of his surroundings, increasing interest in the authentic practices of Yoga kept taking him to the birthplace of all the Yogas-the Indian Himalayas. Roshan met his Guru near an alpine village a few hours hiking distance from the mountain town of Uttarkashi.
Ganapati Baba’s teaching of the 4 Yogas of the ancient Mahasiddhas Lineage and the profound manner in which it was imparted changed Roshan’s life forever. Having decided to commit to his practices under Babaji, Roshan spent a further 3 years with his Guru. Being instructed to learn more about Mahakaruna / The Great Compassion and Shunyata/Emptiness, by his Guru, Roshan undertook a 3-year study into Mahayana Buddhism and the View and Practices derived by that system from the 84 Mahasiddhas.
Since then he has been residing, practising and teaching in the Tibetan town of Bir situated in the Indian mountain state of Himachal. The system of Yoga taught by Roshan and towards the transmission of which the AryaMarga Yoga is founded is called the Anuttara Yoga Tantra. This system of Yoga, the Crest-Gem of all Yogas, is the legacy of the founders of Yoga-the Ancient Lineage of the 84 Mahasiddhas.